AGM Archive 2020
Perth Linux Users Group - Annual General Meeting 2020 - Minutes
- Our venue has been provided by
- Located at 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 on Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7:00 PM.
- Opening. Starting 7:12 PM by Benjamin.
- The attendance is Nick, Margaret, Peter, Alastair, Lawrence, Paul, Patrick, Benjamin, James.
- Apologies from Niall and Michel.
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.
- Date: 2018 should read as 2019.
- List quorum correctly for 31 members. (5.567…)
- Margaret moves that the minutes are accepted, seconded by Alastair.
- 8 Yes and 1 Abstained.
Committee Reports. (Including accounts)
- President’s Address.
- Three major goals AV, Infrastructure and Admin.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Presented:
- MOTION: Nick moves that the summary financial report figures be added to the minutes of the 2019 AGM and 2020 AGM, Margaret to second. 7 Yes 1 No and 1 Abstained.
- Edited to add, post-AGM:
Position at the end of: 2018 2019 Current Assets $3313.34 $2801.48 Current Liabilities $0.00 $24.61 Revenue $677.00 $1005.10 Expenditure $1288.33 $1441.27 Net Outgoings ($611.23) ($436.17)
- Secretary Report.
- Verbal only.
- President’s Address.
Election of 2020 Committee.
- The Nominations are-
- Chairperson:
- Benjamin.
- Nick. (Withdrawn)
- Chairperson:
- Vice Chairperson:
- Benjamin (No longer eligible due to election)
- Nick
- Paul (Withdrawn)
- Treasurer:
- Peter
- Nick (No longer eligible due to election)
- Paul (Withdrawn)
- Secretary:
- Nick Bannon (No longer eligible due to election)
- Paul A.
- OCM:
- Benjamin (No longer eligible due to election)
- Nick (No longer eligible due to election)
- Paul Del (No longer eligible due to election)
- Margaret Wood.
- Peter (No longer eligible due to election)
- Michel Nzikou.
- James Henstridge.
- General Business.
- Peter suggests treasurer’s documentation is collated and centralised.
- Margaret would like to check value for money on
- Once we reduce hosting costs we could redistribute funds.
- Alastair asked if we had a marketing budget. (We currently don’t)
- We can apply for grant money with Linux Australia. 4.1 Other Business.
- Alastair suggests other channels to get new members universities, high school computing, related companies like Pawsey and related professional associations.
- Lawrence mentioned sponsorship ideas and also the places Alastair mentioned above.
- Patrick mentioned raspberry pi jam event.
- Benjamin’s speech about the future.
- Get PLUG’s services infractructure sorted first.
- Secondly sort out our AV setup.
- Thirdly is to provide more value to members ie shells, email, irc, git, usb, stick, pi zero.
- Benjamin Thanks the committee, members and wider community for help during the year and hopes for a better 2020. Peter moves a MOTION to thank Benjamin and Alastair seconds it. All Yes.
- Meeting Close at 8:25 PM.
- Food/Drinks supplied, we had soft drink and pizza’s :-)