AGM Archive 2021
PLUG Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2021
- Venue:, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
- Time: Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7:00 PM
- Opening.(Starting 7:00 PM sharp)
- Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2020 AGM
- Committee Reports. (Including accounts)
- Election of 2020 Committee.
- General Business.
- Meeting Close.
0. Meeting Opening at 19:05 PM by NB
- Nick Bannon
- James Henstridge
- Paul A
- Peter Lyons
- Margaret Wood
- Michael Collins
- Niall Navin
- Steve Schrader
- Sarah Allard Apologies
- Benjamin Arntzen
- Michel Nzikou
Nick: Thanks to our venue Sponsor: Spacecubed and thanks for the use of their “Riff” space for no cost. Come to the Open Week, starting Monday 2021-02-08:
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.
- Moved by Nick and seconded by Margaret
- Passed without dissent.
2. Committee Reports.
- President’s Report: (unable to attend)
- Chair Report:
- Thank you to the outgoing committee
- 2020 was good to us, here in Perth! PLUG’s events continued as scheduled, with a few extra online showings - thanks to UCC’s BigBlueButton instance
- We uploaded more seminar talks, James published a bbb-render to record the BBB streams to a single video file using gstreamer editing services - as used as GUADEC; and there have been community contributions to add start/end titles
- Secretary Report:
- Treasurer’s Report:
3. Election of 2021 Committee.
The Nominations are:
- Chairperson:
- Benjamin - elected
- Nick (withdrawn)
- Vice Chairperson:
- Benjamin (elected to other position)
- Nick (withdrawn)
- Michel
- Patrick - elected
- Secretary:
- Nick (withdrawn)
- Margaret - elected
- Paul (withdrawn)
- Treasurer:
- Nick
- Peter - elected
- Paul
- OCM:
- Benjamin (elected to other position)
- Nick - elected
- Michel
- Patrick (elected to other position)
- Peter (elected to other position)
- Margaret (elected to other position)
- James - elected
- Paul - elected
Election results:
- Chairperson: Benjamin Arntzen
- Vice Chairperson: Patrick Cody
- Secretary: Margaret Wood
- Treasurer: Peter Lyons
- OCM: Nick Bannon, Paul A, James Henstridge
4. General Business.
- Steve: put forward a thing for a car rally(scavenger type event). He wants to know what members to think, when and how much.
- Sunday morning would be better and possibly in April.
- $10-20 entry? BYO BBQ? PLUG banner?
- Michael: Every month or quarterly let’s have a jitsi party online to chat and catch up.
- It’s free, come hang out online. Hosted by!
- Peter: AV Hardware and Software refresh? HDMI Capture cards?